Yes, another month has flown by again! Oli spends most of his time babbling, banging on things, tasting new things like leaves and dirty shoes and crawls into things he's not supposed to (ex. bathroom garbage cans). He won't stay in the playpen for too long and he figured out how to jump out of his exersaucer. He does stay in his highchair and waits for me while I cook, as long as it's not longer than half an hour. Oh, and he has two bottom teeth! My little baby is starting to look like a little boy and no longer like an infant; it's bitter sweet :(
Here he is trying on suits with Brian.
Checking out the price.
He laughs at the silliest things.
We meet with a Latin Mommy group every week.
These are Oli's Latin buddies.
Not too happy in the chair, but so cute because it's his size.