Monday, July 28, 2008

A busy month

We've been so busy these past few weeks.  Oliver is one month old and time is going by so fast!!! Brian has been studying like crazy (hence no new slideshows) and Oli and I have been spending lots of time together.

About Oliver:
He is 7 lbs 12 oz and has outgrown his first outfit! It's the one he's wearing in a previous picture below on the changing pad.  ok, it's a premie outfit but he's really growing!  He is an eating machine; his cheeks are getting really chunky!  At night he usually wakes up about 3 times to feed, then from 7am-ish on it gets really unpredictable.  During the day he sleeps on and off, but he's awake for a good hour or two at a time.  He has a very bad temper and is very impatient when he doesn't get fed right away (kinda like mommy), but once he eats he's the sweetest, happiest little boy. When he's awake he likes lots of cuddling and individual attention (combination of daddy and mommy's love languages- touch and quality time).  If either one of us is talking to him and then we start talking to each other, he starts fussing. How does he know we're not talking to him?  If he falls asleep in our arms and then we put him in his crib he starts crying, but while in our arms, he'll sleep for a long time.  Sometimes when I'm carrying him up the stairs to put him in his crib he'll open one eye, as if he knows something is going on.  If he's really asleep how does he know?  He does like to sleep in the car seat, the swing and the bouncy chair when he's in the mood.  He is a very particular little boy, I wonder who he takes after?  He's also lifting his head, smiling and cooing.  Here are a few pics of the growing boy.

He lost some of his hair, which is pretty normal, but he lost his eyebrows and the entire top of his hair. Is that normal?  Here's a picture of him on July 23rd, when he turned 1 month old. Grandma had just finished bathing him.  Notice how chunky he's getting and notice the missing hair.  Isn't he the cutest?

Throughout the month we've been so blessed and spoiled by all our friends who have brought us delicious meals. THANK YOU!!!! Here are pics of some of his little friends who brought us food:  Ava, Tiffany and Jackson.

About me:
Apart from functioning while walking around half asleep, I've learned to multitask; I can hold Oli in one hand and:
-rinse dishes
-do laundry 
-make the bed 
-write Thank You cards  
-update the blog

Daddy has taken a break from studying and helped a few times when I almost lost my sanity. 

About Brian: 
We can not wait for him to get his life back (48 hours to go!) and be able to spend time with us! 

We'll be moving to Tallahassee next week and hopefully be able to slow down, settle into our new home and enjoy life!    


Reni and Ralph said...

Sounds normal to me!! Rosie lost all her hair about one month after she was born..Brian I don’t know if you remember but Rosie had a full head of thick black hair .lost it all and the re growth was the blond curls. Glenda you sound like your doing great!! We miss you and cant wait to hold Oli..Love Reni

Bottom Blessings said...

Love the new pictures. I didn't know you were moving so soon. Let me know if you need any help.
