Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Potpourri of Pics - Hawaiian Gear and our New Digs

Now that we're all unpacked, we have time to play again.  Oli is more and more fun every day. He's been doing great with sleeping through the night, waking up every 3-5 hrs and one night he even slept 7 hours! He is more alert and interactive and smiles a lot!

Oli and His Stuffed Animal Friends

Hawaiian Rocker

Can you find the little man?

This is our new neighborhood.  

We'd love to have you come visit!

Yesterday we went walking in the downtown area where Brian will be working.  We are really enjoying having quality time as a family before he starts his new job in a few weeks.

A fountain in Kleman Plaza

The Florida Supreme Court

Checking out the view from the Capitol Building.


Bottom Blessings said...

He is exceptionally cute!

I miss you guys. I actually didn't realize your last sunday had come and gone. Until your last post.


melanie said... moved...i miss you at campus and I am not even there. ;) I will keep checking the blog. Olie is ADORABLE!!!