Monday, November 17, 2008

The First Five Months

Here's our latest video.  Be warned:  It's 4 minutes long!


sonyagraykey said...

Oh my goodness! That was the sweetest video! Glenda, I am so happy for you guys. Your little bean is looking like he's trying to compete with Zora for "chubbiest cheeks" award. :) Congrats on your great sleeper! Z. isn't awesome, but much better than L. ever thought about being at the same age. And the carseat thing will get better when he's front facing. (Sorry, that's more than six months away!) Z. is doing the same thing, but I know that "this too shall pass." Love you y'all!

Unknown said...

What an awesome video! I wouldn't even know where to start putting something like this together. You take great photos!