Monday, February 23, 2009

8 Months Old

Oliver is 8 months old and has regressed to not sleeping through the night.  We got so spoiled for a few months, oh well, we'll keep working on it.  He does take 2 mini (20 minute) naps and 2 long (hour) naps every day.  He laughs at the silliest things, he loves playing on the swings and being flung around by Brian.  He hates it when I clean his nose, but I guess it's because I literally have to tackle him to do it; so it seems like I'm torturing him with the nasal aspirator. He can not stay still for one second; there is just too much to explore.

Here he is at the Library where we attend story time for babies.

Mr. Gary sings and reads to the babies in a fun and interactive way.  
As I was saying, he can not stay still for a second.  I was trying to get a cute picture of him and his teddy bear but instead he was trying to throw himself off the chair.  

It's fun to watch him taste new foods and make funny faces.
Lip-Smacking Good!

All done!

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