Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blueberry picking

We went blueberry picking with some friends this
 morning and it felt like 1000 degrees out there. 
Oli helped me pick the berries.

Maddie and Paige
Baby Nathan endured the scorching sun.
Presley and Nicole
I think Allie Grace was the hottest one in our group!
After an entire half hour we took home 1/2 lb of blueberries. 
 (It was too hot to pick any longer.)


Unknown said...

Geof and I hope to do some blueberry picking this weekend too. I hope we can endure the heat!

Brian, Nicole & Presley said...

Imagine being there for about an hour after you left:) Needless to say, it just got HOTTER!!!
Oli is too cute picking his berries. He doesn't seem too picky about how ripe they are:)
We managed to get about 2.5 lbs., and I think P ate at least that many more off of the bushes!