Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Oli is sweet with his little sister most of the time.  He likes to "help" by forcing her pacifier into her mouth or by pushing her swing (really fast) when she's in it.  He also runs to her rescue when he hears her crying and climbs into her crib in less than 30 seconds. He tries to hold her and comfort her, but the poor little girl doesn't look comfortable at all. I try to watch them at all times but sometimes a girl has to go to the bathroom or cook or wash dishes, etc.  I guess I have to move faster!

There are times when Oli's not so sweet.  When he takes her bottle away from her and I take it back from him he smacks her. Or when he takes her blanket away from her and I ask him to give it back, he covers her face with it and snatches her headband off. I guess Maddie unknowingly gets him back when she screams so loud while he's taking a nap that she wakes him up. The girl is hungry every 1.5 to 2 hours! I've got my hands full these days.

Here they are watching Dora the Explorer

These shirts were a gift from my friend Janay, who stitched and personalized them. I LOVE them! Please check out her awesome work at www.janaysquilts.blogspot.com.

A good day

It takes a few tries before I actually get a good photo of them. 
He's making fun of her crying
High Five!
Peace... (Maddie's fingers)

1 comment:

Janay said...

So cute!!! You have captured some good shots of them together. I know it's hard, and my oldest was 4.5 yrs old at that stage, not under two -- you are doing well!! I love the one of Oliver kissing Madelyn and her looking up at him. So sweet!

FYI -- it's either stitchedbyjanay.com or janaysquilts.blogspot.com. Thanks for the plug. :) So glad you like the shirts!!