Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The latest...

Madelyn is much more alert and awake these days. At night she sleeps about 5 hours from 8:00 PM-1:00 AM and then wakes up every 3 after that. In the daytime she's unpredictable but sleeps a lot as well.  A few days ago I was kissing her and she laughed for the first time. I love that sound! I've been trying to get Brian to hear her but of course she hasn't done it again. I really enjoy dressing her up like a little doll.  She and I are going to have so much fun doing girly stuff :)

Oliver amazes us with the things he remembers sometimes.  For example whenever we drive by Best Buy he yells, "guitar!" because Brian has taken him there a few times to look at guitars.  Or whenever we drive downtown and he sees the State Capitol building, he yells, "Papa's office!" because it's near Brian's office. One day I braved it to the post office, got in line with the side-by-side double stroller and gave him a lollipop so that he would wait patiently and keep his hands off Maddie. So a few days later I said, "Oli we're going to the post office" and he said, "wapop", meaning lollipop and I just started laughing and said, "Yes, mommy will give you a lollipop when we get there."

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