Thursday, January 13, 2011

Maddie - 8 months old

It feels like she just turned 6 months old but month 8 has just passed!  Maddie waves hello and loves to make funny faces.  Every morning she wakes up saying "Da Da Da Da," and Brian is thrilled about that! :) She has funny mood swings. She laughs one minute, cries the next, and then goes back to laughing.  Maddie and I go to baby-story-time at the Library and music-class once a week. She's a busy girl.

Happy mood.

Silly mood.

A tear in her eye. She cried the next minute, but I don't remember why.

 Here she is in music-class.
She enjoys biting the drumstick more than hitting the drum. :)

She does play it though - with a little help from me.
Click play to see her in action!

Here, I was asking her to say "Da Da." Instead, she had this to say: 
(click on the play button below)

She is not phased by her crazy big bro screaming and pushing her high chair while she waves.


Anonymous said...

Glenda, It is great to finally found you. Your growing family is beautiful, god has blessed you and Brian. I just wanted to give my best wishes for you and your family.

Jessica Ramos Zabolotny
former worldwide retail sourcing coworker.

sonyagraykey said...

Oh Glenda. So cute. I could eat her up. :)