Friday, March 1, 2013

Oliver update

Oliver is changing and growing so fast. It's bitter sweet. I miss some of the baby things but I love to see his personality shining through as he becomes a big boy. He's thoughtful and selfless and it's humbling at times. When I see how forgiving and unconditional he is I think of the scripture that says we must be come like little children to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whenever he thinks something is yummy he wants to save some for Brian. (He has saved one m&m, a potato chip and a skittle in his pocket and remembered to give it to Brian at the end of the day.) When we play candy land and everyone is ahead of me he says, "Mom, I hope you get the gummy pass" or "I hope you get the cinnamon roll", so that I can catch up to them. He can have an hour long conversation about dinosaurs and asks hundreds of questions a day. He is learning to read and write and he gets excited when he recognizes words. I love to hear him pray at night and I love to hear his conversations with Madelyn. One rainy afternoon I was driving and I heard Oli say to Maddie, "I'm worried about the flooding", Maddie says, "Don't worry Oli, we'll carry you; I'll carry you." Hilarious! 

Here are a few of the things he's been up to:

He just started T-ball a few weeks ago.

He loves gymnastics.

He's obsessed with dinosaurs.

This dinosaur skeleton excavation kit was a long project. After a few days of digging Brian decided to help out a little. 

He's also into playing video games.

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